Image via WikipediaIf you don't want your marriage to end in divorce, take some time to establish a mental picture of your future as a couple before making that life long commitment. Talk about your ideas on marriage values, religion etc. Finding out the dreams, ambitions and expectations of your soon to be life long partner can be the difference between a wonderful marriage or a failed marriage. Here are some basic topics in which the two of you should be on the same page (or at least be able to find a good compromise), because a house divided will not stand:
1. If the Lord your God is someone who plays an important part in your life, it is wise to marry someone with similar beliefs. This will play an important part in nurturing obedient children.
2. Do you want to have kids? If so, how many? How do you think they should be raised, should one parent stay home with them or are you both ok with the idea of daycare? If one parent should stay home, which parent? All of this is very important to take into consideration. If you have a great career you love and your soon to be husband has very traditional values and expects you to stay home and raise the kids, how is that going to make you feel?
3. What about money? Is one of you a someone who likes to pinch every penny and the other likes to rack up the credit cards to the limit? If so, how is that going to work? It will be a constant source of stress between the two of you. Also, who handles the money and financial issues, like getting insurance, paying the bills, etc.? Some couples like to do it together, which is best. But others may think that only one should do it. Find out what your partner's expectations are.
Communicate before getting married about your values, religion, etc. Are we right for one another? There are hundreds of questions couples should ask each other, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Granted, there is no way one can foresee all the future issues the two of you will face but if you as a couple commit to keeping the communication lines open there is no issue the two of you cannot resolve. It's a good idea and may contribute to you having one of the best spouse relationships.
More on this topic:
Recipe for a good marriage
Successful marriage- Ask yourselves, do we make the grade?
How to stay married
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